Having been a connoisseur of outstanding barbecue for some time now, I must say that the Caja China Roasting Box is the most unique, time saving, and delicious method of roasting I have ever come across. The uniqueness of the product, however, causes many new owners to struggle with just how and what to cook in their new Caja China style roasters. Have no fear. Over the years I have accumulated hundreds of great Caja China recipes, and the purpose of this article is to share a personal favorite with all of you. The recipe is for “Cuban Stuffed Turkey."
Here’s what you’ll need: 3 12-14 lb. turkeys; 24 tbsp unsalted butter, fresh ground pepper and salt. The ingredients for the marinade are: 3 garlic heads, peeled; 3 C sour orange juice; 3 tsp black pepper; 4 ½ tsp ground cumin, 6 tsp dried oregano, 3 tbs salt.
To begin this roaster box recipe, you want to begin by carefully separating the skin from the turkey and seasoning the turkey cavity with salt and pepper. Mash the garlic and salt in a mortar to make a paste. Add pepper, cumin, oregano, and all of the lime juice or sour orange juice and puree. Then add 3 tbs marinade to the main cavity and 1 tbsp to the neck cavity. Put the rest under the skin, working over a pan to catch any runoff. The turkey should be marinated overnight, turning multiple times if possible. Cut the butter into thin slices, placing half under the skin and melting the rest. Now, place turkeys on your La Caja China style Roast Box, breast side down. Brush the skin with some melted butter, and pour rest of butter and marinade over the turkeys. Tent foil loosely over each turkey. Cover your “caja asadora" with the ash pan and charcoal grid. Add 20 lbs. of charcoal and light. Once lit (about 20 minutes) spread the charcoal evenly over the grid on your Caja China pig roaster. Cooking time starts now. After an hour, add 10 lbs. of charcoal to your Cuban Caja China. After about 1 ½ hours, open the Chinese pig roast box and baste the bird with the stock inside the pan to ensure the right tenderness. After one more hour (the third), add 10 more lbs. of charcoal. Continue cooking the turkey until reaching the desired temperature of 175 f. Allow 30 minutes before carving and serving.
Source: http://mathewmasters.articlealley.com/cuban-stuffed-turkey--caja-china-cooking-recipe-1825552.html